Travel Health
Are you planning a vacation? Don’t let illness spoil your time! We offer a comprehensive travel health clinic! Our Pharmacist has taken several courses on Travel Health, and is certified to provide Travel health services. Book an appointment with our pharmacist to see what medications, vaccinations, and other safety measures are recommended for the area you are travelling in. You may be able to receive these vaccinations at the same appointment. He may also be able to recommend over the counter products to ensure your travels go smoothly. Please come in well before your travel date if possible as some treatments require several doses.
Injections & Vaccinations
If you have been prescribed a medication that is administered by injection it is no longer necessary to make a doctor’s appointment to have it administered. Just ask your pharmacist! Being up to date on your vaccines is a great way to prevent illness in not only yourself but the people around you. Many vaccines are covered by Alberta Health and are therefore free of charge.
Medication packaging
Are you feeling overwhelmed with keeping all your medications straight? You are not alone. We offer convenient medication packaging which allows you to navigate your medications better. This way you will be able to know which ones to take when and if you have taken them. Talk to us today to get started!
Medication management
Medication can be complicated especially when you are taking several types. Take some time to sit down with our pharmacist and let him help you gain a better understanding of your treatment. In the process he will also ensure that these are your best options and can work with your physician in order to optimize your care. By completing a medication review with your pharmacist, he will be able to ensure that you are on the right medications and are taking the right doses at the right time. Best of all, this service is fully covered by Alberta Health!
Not all medication needs can be met by large pharmaceutical companies. Some people find swallowing pills difficult while others require a cream or medication specially formulated for them. Whatever your needs are, your pharmacist will be there to meet your needs whether it is specially compounding a cream or liquid on site, improving the flavour of a medication so your child will take it, customizing the dose, or collaborating with a specialized compounding pharmacy so you can still pick up your prescription at Theo’s pharmacy.
Did you know that our pharmacist is able to assess and prescribe for many minor illnesses such as psoriasis, cold sores, or acne. Our pharmacist has his additional prescribing authorization in Alberta. We also work closely with your physician to ensure that when you run out of medications we can bridge you until a complete follow up with your doctor.
Home Healthcare
Did you know there are many products which can help you to deal with your health difficulties? Whether it’s compression socks for tired, sore legs, mobility issues that require walkers, canes, or crutches, difficulties with going to the washroom and you require incontinence products. Theo’s Pharmacy is here to help! With a wealth of experience in home health care, if we don’t have it we will bring it in!
Of course we would love to see you stop by at the pharmacy. However, we understand that due to illness, mobility issues, or need to be in two places at once not everyone can come in and wait for their prescription. So we offer free delivery of your medications within the town of Redwater, and perhaps beyond. Ask us for details!
Smoking cessation
Have you tried to quit smoking on your own and haven’t been successful? Maybe you have tried a variety of methods and they have failed. At Theo’s Pharmacy we have specialized ourselves through various continuous education courses to help you kick this habit for good!